Parents can
"sometimes'" do things, us kids, don't understand! Here a few that really confuse me.
1) My parents are always telling me not to use swears, and yet there always swearing. They should listen to what they say!
2) Parents will give the child a punishment, but the parent doesn't follow through with the punishment. And I'm like follow your own rules, seriously!
3) Parents will tell you, "Your not getting that" why don't you give us children a good reason why we cant get what we want! Give us some reasons!
4) Some parents let their children have make-up or high heels, but they won't let you were them! Don't let us have it if we cant use it!
5) Say you're doing homework, and your parent is like, "Do put out the garbage" or something like that. Parents are always telling you school comes first, let it come first!